Wednesday 29 April 2020

Pakistan Northen areas

The northen areas of Pakistan one of them is Babusar top is a mountain pass north about 150km kaghan valley that connecting to Karakarm highway.It connect KPK province to Gligit.The maximum temperture is 11 and the minimum temperature is 3c.The mountain ranges which enter the Mansehra District from Kashmir are the offshoots of the great Himalayan system. In the Kaghan Valley, the mountain system is the highest of the area including the Babusar Top. This range flanks the right bank of the Kunhar River, and contains a peak called Malika Parbat, which is over 17,000 feet (19) and is the highest in the district. On the mountains the grasslands are also found where Gujjars and other nomads migrate during the summer for grazing by their sheep, goats and other animals. On the north side there are mountains which are the extension of the same mountain system as that of the Kaghan mountains. This range diverges from the eastern side at Musa-ka-Musalla a peak (13,378 feet) (20), which skirt the north end of the Bhogarmang and Konsh valleys, and sends down a spur to divide the two. Here also, like Kaghan, thick forests are naturally present, especially on the higher slopes. However, due to extensive exploitation, the thick forests are now usually found in the unapproachable area.